Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So... They're going to stop gay sex in Uganda by putting gays in PRISON??

Perhaps my view of jail is coloured by my exposure to western culture's depictions: OZ, Let's Go To Prison, Shawshank Redemption, they don't exactly paint a rosy portrait of dignified preservation of a man's ring piece. I could certainly be mistaken, not having experienced it firsthand (knock on wood- oh man, I bet in Uganda that saying gets you a file) but it seems to me that when you lock up a large number of men together, testosterone tends to blur the lines on those lonely nights. One wonders if Ugandan officials have considered the implications of their new proposed law, the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. It seems to follow that they're just going to exacerbate the problem that keeps them up at nights, tossing and turning, thinking that somewhere two consensual adults might be *HOLY FUCKING SORDID GASP* having relations.

To be serious though, this is one of the worst things I have ever heard. What we have here is a bored, paranoid, masturbatory government given far too much time to wring their hands, far too little education, and far, FAR too much religion. The missionaries never dreamed they'd be this wildly successful. Already religious leaders in the States are tacitly agreeing with this bill; In fact, the infamous U.S.-based religious organization The Family was one of the co-originators of this hate screed. One might almost feel sorry for these wretched, confused, shrill dribbles of human beings, except for the fact that they want to literally kill people for where they put their penis.

What these people have come so fucking far from that it is laughable, is that we are JUST FUCKING ANIMALS. Seriously, we are all, every last one of us, hard-wired sexual beings. We will fuck anything that even looks like a hole. Even if it doesn't, we'll do our best to fashion a crude approximation. Legislating against hole-fucking is like legislating against McDonald's. It hits so many giant green buttons in our hindbrains that it is literally impossible to stop one's self. Add in the infinitely complex interpretations and sexual identities that are accrued in a lifetime, and there is no hard and fast Gay/Not Gay line. We will have sex, we will look for love, and we will sometimes do that with members of our species that are the same sex as us.

All that this law will do if it is passed, is create a) a massive black market in dangerous, unsafe sex, b) a massive social disorganization and resource drain as thousands of cases are tried, and c) no effect on rates of homosexuality. There is a steady percentage of gay people in a population. There is no way around this fact. All this will do is create fear, social discord, death, and emigration. A country without diversity is a desert, and will eat itself alive, violently, as it sees enemies everywhere, every glance from a stranger misconstrued, every accidental touch from a clerk seen as a crime worth imprisonment, and every loving, consensual, happy relationship between two people of the same sex, worthy of torture and death.

This is a crime against humanity, and while I was going to mention the year that we were living, in disbelief, it seems less and less fitting as I see evil like this happening every day.


  1. This is good stuff. I'm not one for swearing every other sentence, but I'm a liberal all the way.

    If you see this comment, know I'm encouraging you to keep writing.

  2. Hey Sushi Nao, I like the way you think and more importantly I like the way you write. I followed your link over here from TPM to encourage you to post more over there.

    On topic anyway, Gore Vidal said, and forgive me for paraphrasing 'There is no such thing as homosexuality only homosexual acts'

