Monday, July 13, 2009

A bit about me, and starting the controversy off right...

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. I've been wanting to start one for a while now, because I've been more and more political and outspoken lately and I don't have many places to express myself in the small town I live in. This blog will mainly focus on civil liberties, atheism, and combating the rampant mistrust and the frank rejection of science in the modern world. However, I have many other broad interests including art, video games (that's a biggie) and just all around cool/nerdy stuff.

I work on the west coast of Vancouver Island in B.C. Canada, at a salmon farm. I've been doing it for 6 years or so, and I absolutely love it. However, it can also be a source of frustration for me when I'm forced to deal with an uneducated, biased, and frankly hostile opposition to an industry that is sustainable, efficient, and actually quite low-impact on the environment. The local media whips well-meaning but gullible hippies and environmentalists into a frenzy about imagined dangers, and we are on the front lines defending our industry from hype and propaganda. The fact is, salmon farming is incredibly well regulated and researched, and almost all complaints about the industry are easily debunked with a small amount of research, much like creationist myths are easily debunked by even a small amount of biology knowledge.

If you have a story of media or culturally induced antagonism to true and scientific principles in your area, please feel free to share. The decrying of scientific criticism in this society is frankly disgusting, and people need to stand up and SHOUT, that they will not have it.

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