Monday, July 13, 2009

Kind of exciting to know I'm a criminal in Ireland.

This has got to be one of the worst ideas in legislative history. As of now, it is illegal to blaspheme in Ireland. Arrests, search and seizure of offending books and computers, and fines are now a very real danger to anyone in old Eire who dares to hurt the feelings of any hypersensitive moron who claims with all his little heart that a magic man does live in the sky and fixes stuff here on Earth if you ask. Really nicely. And then, not that well, if at all. But he's better than the scary alternative! Anyways, I digress.

I hereby make it my solemn duty to be public enemy blasphemer number one in the country that I can claim 1/4th of my birthright to, and had hoped to visit someday. I suppose that's out of the question now, as their crack team of Magic Sky Man Police is sure to pick me up right at the airport. Their holy sniffing dogs will surely detect traces of desecrated communion wafers, and only Inquisition can await.

To be serious though, this is so completely fucking ridiculous that it makes me a little ill. If you're wondering why, let me tell you: This is the first crack in the dyke leading to complete annihilation of freedom of speech. Think that's hyperbolic? Why don't you go to Ireland after a couple of years of this and speak out about a hardline Muslim man beating his wife to death? Watch how fast they descend on you. Don't think stoning gays is ok? Don't talk about it! Think (know) evolution is real? Careful! Someone might take offense! Now you're up the river, kid. Again, you may scoff and say it can't come to this, but who's going to stop it? If believers make a big enough stink about it, the law will come down on anyone that they tell to. And trust me, believers can make a HUGE stink.

Now, what I wonder is, when will the Rastafarians arrest the goverment for infringing on their beliefs about smoking marijuana?

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