Monday, July 13, 2009

A serious symptom

One of the most distressing things about the time that we live in, is that no matter who you are, or what completely wrong, fallacious, and nonsensical drivel comes out of your mouth, your opinion has a good chance of being heard and respected, simply because it's too damn politically incorrect to tell you that you're a moron. I hear people all the time spouting off about karma, and chakras, and energies, and I just want to vomit. People eat it up too, because it twigs some little spot in their needy little brains, that says, "Oh, that makes sense, as long as I don't look too close and keep a respectful air of mysticism around it... and thank goodness, cause it's so much easier than learning!" This respectful air of mysticism allows for lies and deception to profit off the misery and confusion of others, and far from being isolated whackos spouting off, it's actually getting worse. The number of books, infomercials, websites claiming to have "The Answer" is only growing, and their victims concurrently.

These are the New Dark Ages, except that this time it's not the church that is oppressing rational thought, it's a collective sad little fear that we'll hurt some idiot's precious feelings. (Well, the church is still in on it too, but I'll get to them another time.) It's been a slow but steady decay of rational thought. Just because someone tries hard to be heard, does not make their statements any more valid. It's tempting to generalize an inverse relationship between the two, but I'd like to think that those on the side of right can prevail if we are heard as well. Now, this sense of "everyone is right" is being exploited by anyone who wants to speak up, and we're all expected to kowtow to it and give them their due time and respect.

When I was in school, being smart had such a stigma attached to it, that I had to hide my brains, or risk being socially ostracized. This trend has continued today, where all the unsure, uneducated and loud people that were insecurely persecuting the intelligent in their school, are now in the real world, and they are scared to death because they have no idea what they are doing in life. They grasp for any meaning, and spout off their chosen meaning to anyone who will hear, and disparage loudly and with threats of litigation anyone who knows better and questions their surety.

The fact is, there is a very clear cut reality. There is no doubt to me, and there should be no doubt to anyone who has the ability to look critically at the world around them, that there is only one answer. There are no chakras or energies in the body, there is bone and muscle and blood. There is no karma, we are simply tribe-living apes in a cold, harsh world, where ostracism for societal infractions meant death. There is no afterlife, there is only advanced agency detection in our frontal lobes that ponders what dead people are doing (protip: rotting). Anyone who speaks out about the truths of science should not be silenced; but they should be as silent for the deafening scorn and derision of those who know that there is one reality.

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